Sand & Stone
There are many reasons to include sand and stone in your landscaping
project. One benefit of stone is that it will last and not breakdown,
thus less work in the long run. Once you put it down you can be sure
it will be there for a while.
Sand has many uses and is common in planting beds, gardens and other
backyard projects. We offer a range of different quality sands that should
fit most of your needs.
# 5 River Stone
Size: .63" to 1"
Color: Tan/Beige
Used as a decorative stone, in walkways or flower beds etc...
Pea Gravel
Size: .25" to .63"
Color: Tan/Beige
Great for walk ways and other landscape areas
# 57 Granite:
Size: 1 to 1.5 inch
Color: Gray
Good for driveways, drainage areas
Egg Rock
Size: 2" to 3"
Color: Tan/Beige
Large Rock used in planting beds. Permanent ground
cover. Southwestern look.
Crush'N Run
Size: 1" to 3"
Color: Gray
Used to establish driveways. Great at decreasing
erosion in difficult areas.
Granite Sand
Size: Course(2X)
Color: Silver
Consists of granite shavings. One of your courser sands with a
gray and silver color. Very Affordable. great for laying stone
pathways. Granite sand is used for the installation of stone and
concrete pavers. Granite sand is easy to shovel and level. Granite
sand over time packs and becomes a firm base for almost all stone
patios and walkways applications. Granite sand covers 80 to 90
sq. ft., 2" deep, per ton.
River Sand:
Size: .0001"
Color: Yellow/Tan/Beige
Common river sand. Add to soil. Use to level grass. Use for special
Top Dressing Sand:
Size: .0001" (very fine)
Color: White
Used for leveling grass, mixing in soils, sand boxes, leveling
pools etc...
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